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標題例子:How did I get back my scarf?
既然標題為”How did I get back my scarf?”,Get BACK MY SCARF就是整篇文章的內容核心,做所有的事都是圍繞”get back my scarf”
扣題句子1:When I was running after the scarf frantically, I did not realise that the cars started to move.
扣題句子2:Although I was helpless, I was very determined to get my scarf back.
扣題句子3:Finally, the scarf flew to the top of a traffic light, I limped to the light and attempted to get the scarf back.
扣題句子4:However, I was not tall enough and my arms were not long enough, so I could only touch the rim of the scarf.
✅ 在這段的文字內,目標非常清晰,全部圍繞題目”get back my scarf”
✅ 同時,內容有所進展,而並非不斷重複內容
Source: Stockio.com
學生作文常見犯錯2 : 缺乏延伸
不斷製造事端、問題 ➡️ 所有問題必須扣題
事端1:The horns went up and down to warn me not to run on the road.
✅ 在塞滿車子的馬路上奔馳,令故事產生緊張感
‼️ 留意事端製造必須有原因,而並非製造一些無關痛癢、無聊問題
“I”在馬路上奔馳,為的是”take back my scarf”,所以合理而且扣題
事端2 :When I was running after the scarf frantically, I did not realise that the cars started to move.
事端3 :One of the cars suddenly drove towards me and I sprained my ankle when I stepped back.
事端4 :Finally, the scarf flew to the top of a traffic light.
事端5 :However, I was not tall enough and my arms were not long enough, so I could only touch the rim of the scarf.
✅ 問題一環扣一環,製造緊張感之餘,有利故事延伸